How much does it cost to fly private?
There is a wide range of costs depending aircraft size and class, distance and trip purchase. You can expect to spend a minimum of $2,500 to $12,000 per hour depending on the type of jet. A heavy class of jet is the most expensive, which can include a meeting room or sleeping quarters.
Are there any surprise costs?
BC Flight will provide you a detailed quote and any costs well before your departure date. It is rare that flights within the United States experience unexpected charges, with the exception of unexpected cold weather that requires de-icing services.
Where do I depart from?
Typically, in Michigan we will coordinate departure from Oakland International Airport in Waterford, Michigan. Other airports are available depending on client requests. Our staff will provide clear directions and meet you at the airport for further assistance if requested. Otherwise, you will depart from the regional airport originally requested.
What identification do I need to fly or board the plane?
All passengers are required to have a proper identification when flying.
How early should I arrive before my departure time?
Arriving 10 minutes prior to departure is sufficient. But we ask you arrive no later than 15 minutes after departure due to air traffic control and air carrier requirements.
What should I expect when I land?
Ground transportation will be waiting for you when you step off the plane if security restrictions allow. Otherwise, you will be driven a short distance to the private terminal.
Will you assist with Ground Transportation at our destination?
BC Flight coordinators are happy to arrange limousine, luxury transport, rental car or other transportation available at your destination. These costs vary on available services at your destination.
Can BC Flight help with other aspects of my trip?
In most cases, we can assist with other client requests.